Fighting winter dryness with Argan Oil
I recently moved from Texas to Germany, and I was concerned about the sudden change in climate and resources my skin and hair would have to endure. I visited Germany in June 2015, and after a few days of showering I noticed that my skin would get super dry and itchy, and it started peeling within five days. This was odd for me since my face is normally oily.
I soon learned that Germany’s water has a lot of chalk in it, and it was quickly drying out my skin. Great for my bones apparently, but not for my face.
Inspired by one of my favorite YouTubers, Kassie from CloudyApples, I have been trying more homemade, simple products that do not use harsh ingredients. Her skin and hair is dreamy, so I trust this earthy approach to beauty. Green Esthetics, a certified-organic online shop, contacted me and asked if I would like to review one of their products. I had been considering repurchasing Josie Maran’s Argan Oil before my move, but I noticed Green Esthetics carried their own pure Argan Oil, so I tried it out.

It comes in a slender bottle with an attached pump. .
I set expectations for this little guy. I cut my own hair, so I expected it to keep away split ends and keep it soft. I don’t take care of my nails, and they have started to peel, so I waited for it to seal the nail like a wound. I get adult acne on my neck, and I routinely worked this oil into the blemishes to hopefully wake up to clearer skin.
But much like Tom Hansen’s ill-matched Expectations vs. Reality in “500 Days of Summer,” my expectations were not met. This isn’t a bad thing.
Split ends need routine trims. This, coupled with a pump of the oil, has helped my hair grow and maintain shine, but does not armor it against splitting. My hair grows aggravatingly slow, so if you are experiencing the same fury, try incorporating more oil into your hair.

I play guitar, so I generally keep my nails cut short and slap on some polish. I noticed that I kept needing to trim my nails more often, and this was after two weeks of rubbing the oil into my cuticles and on my hands. I kept waiting for the peeling to disappear, all while griping about needing to cut down these persistent thick nails. Aaaand the blemishes are gone. An expectation met. I will still get the occasional zit, but my skin has been drinking this oil and filling in the fine lines I had near my eyes and forehead. I never understand what “skin elasticity” improvement felt like until I used this product. I feel a difference in the way my skin adjusts itself while I apply makeup and poke and prod at my eyes.
I know we are all feeling the effect of winter on our bodies, so I encourage you to try using oil instead of lotions and balms. If you would like to try out this particular oil, you can use the code “GREEN40” to get 40% off all products and free shipping! That’s just over $10 for a product similar to the ones sold at Sephora for $17+.
If you would like to learn more about Green Esthetics and their selection of natural products, check them out at or on Facebook or Twitter.
Thank you to Green Esthetics for sponsoring this post.
Source: Morning Ink blog