Naturally beautiful eyelashes with Longer Lash
She was in my 5th grade class, far too young to be worrying about mascara or false eyelashes. Every time she looked down, her eyelashes shadowed her cheekbones. When she looked sideways, her lashes were outlined in her silhouette. Her eyelashes were so long and I was immensely fascinated! I wondered how I might get my eyelashes that long!
(This post was facilitated by Green Esthetics and I was provided product for review purposes! All opinions are my own! This post may contain affiliate links.)
It wasn’t until at least 2 more years that I found out about mascara and the lengthening effects it has on lashes. What in the world would women do without mascara? They would most likely have longer lashes! What a paradox! The thing that magnifies our lash length can ultimately dry them out and cause breakage! I know that is what happened over time to me! My eyelashes started to break off and at one point I barely had any!

Most people don’t have naturally long eyelashes (myself included), but there are plenty of ways to get long lashes besides mascara. One popular trick these days is to get extensions. The advantage of extensions is that you can choose the length and thickness you want and you don’t need to rely on mascara…until the extensions wear off. If one isn’t careful, you might end up with lashes that look like the fringe on a rug! I’ve seen some really unattractive and unnatural looking extensions! Really not a good look. Why would you want overly long, thick, dark eyelashes that could possibly age you? There is such a thing as too much! A nice, natural look is the best! Another drawback to extensions, for me personally, is that I don’t like sitting or laying for 2 hours with someone hovering over me applying individual eyelashes. It seems so tedious! And the cost is pretty steep! Regular maintenance is required—more tediousness! Not to mention the, albeit slight, risk of infection or allergic reaction!
What I CAN settle for is an all-natural eyelash growth serum that gets results. I was given the opportunity to try Longer Lash by Green Esthetics. I love it. By putting it on twice daily, once before bed and once before putting on make-up in the morning, you can stimulate the natural growth of your eyelashes.
Longer Lash contains the most natural ingredients in the most optimal formulation, making lash growth almost inevitable! Some of the more familiar ingredients include emu oil, argan oil, castor oil, and copper peptide. But there are also natural growth stimulants, vitamins and proteins. These are all designed and proven to stimulate natural lash growth. It doesn’t contain potentially harmful ingredients such as propelyne glycol, phenoxyethanol, or parabens.
My husband was my photographer, with only a little arm twisting. I know you want to see all the eye photos we took, but let’s just leave it at a few!
One of the things I was a bit nervous about was eye color change. I have heard that some eyelash growth serums actually change eye color if it is blue. I asked about it and was told that this is only for the prescription serums, with chemicals. I was very pleased with my results and while I still feel like I need to wear mascara, my lashes look so much fuller and thicker. I used the formula for about 4 weeks (best results are between 2 – 3 months of consistent use) and I still have 3/4 of the tube left, which shows that it goes a long way. Basically the cost is about .40/day, much less than eyelash extensions, which average about $3.50/day and maintenance every 2-3 weeks! It all boils down to your patience and your desire to have natural vs. false lashes! You can read more about your specific questions on their website!
Source: A Gal Needs blog