Repair/hydrate/strengthen hair/skin/nails with Argan Oil
Hello lovelies!
I’ve received this Argan Oil about two months ago but I’ve started using it only recently, because I had other products to test and I wanted to finish those before opening a new one. Trying out this new Argan Oil by Green Esthetics was really challenging to me, as I’m not into oils when it comes to skincare or body care routine, but I wanted to give it a try nonetheless, just because it’s a multi-functional product that can be used on face, body and nails. So practically with one product you can take care of your entire body and especially your complexion.
Where to buy:
U.S. & International – @
Argan Oil (15 ml for $16.95 / 30 ml for $29.95 / 50 ml for $49.95) by Green Esthetics contains pure virgin, cold pressed Argan Oil, 100% natural, containing no chemicals or preservatives.
First I want to mention the obvious, which is the packaging and why I love it so much. We all know oils can be very messy, so this is one of the reasons why I’ve always stayed away from them, even though they have healthy benefits. Oils usually come in bottles with a lid or a dropper so it usually gets messy during the application when you have to open the lid or use the dropper, but not with this kind of Argan Oil which comes in a transparent hard plastic bottle with a pump. The application is so easy and clean, not to mention you get the exact amount of product that you are going for. They really did a good job about the packaging, not to mention you can see how much product you have left inside.
I will tell you that I was skeptical on using this on my complexion, as being a combination skin type, I’m always looking for light, non-greasy formulas that will keep my complexion away from that undesirable oiliness on my T-zone. It’s a product recommended for all skin types, but I’m going to be very honest here and let you know that I’m using it only in the evening and never in the morning especially if I must get out and put on some makeup.

It’s not that it leaves my face looking oily, on the contrary, once I apply it on my clean face it takes about 3-5 minutes to completely sink into my skin. It gives me a nice healthy glow, nothing that looks greasy or oily, but I prefer to apply it only in the evening. During the day my complexion can easily get shiny especially when I’m wearing makeup so I don’t want to use skincare products that are too rich or can give me a shiny T-zone in a couple of hours.
When I wake up in the morning (usually I sleep throughout the day, but just saying ) I’m happy to notice that my face is not oily, but completely hydrated, feels smooth and rested, so soft to the touch and looking more healthy. This product is recommended even to women over 30’s who are concerned about wrinkles and lines as Argan Oil stimulates skin cell renewal, increases skin hydration and elasticity and combats free radicals. I know it’s famous for treating burns, acne and reducing scarring and stretch marks.
I love to use Argan Oil now during the winter, when my skin needs that extra hydration as winters here can be pretty tough. We have snow and very low temperatures so it is not out of the ordinary that even a combination or oily skin type would modify its skincare routine, reaching out for more nourishing and hydrating products.
I applied it on my body as well, especially after I come from the shower (just let my skin dry for about 2 minutes) and it’s absorbed so easily into the skin, without being greasy at all. I just gently massage it into my skin, all over my body, and it makes my skin feel so smooth and soft. I can’t tell you yet if it really works on stretch marks as I’ve been only using it on my body for a week, but I’ll update this article in a month and let you know how it worked.
I pretty often use it on my cuticles as it makes them very soft so I just don’t need to cut them anymore. It evens hydrates my fingernails and makes them stronger. It is also recommended to use Argan Oil as a special natural treatment for your nails by just dipping them in a solution of 50% argan oil and 50% lemon juice.
I’ve been using Argan Oil on my hair as well, over the past 2 weeks. I like to apply a pump of this oil on my damp hair after I washed it, so I will simply smooth it out, feel it more softer and without that unattractive frizzy look. I have natural blond hair (never been dyed) so it’s by nature very thin and gets greasy easily. I apply Argan Oil on the ends of my hair and not on the roots, otherwise it will get greasy the next day. My hair feels very smooth, gets a shiny but healthy look and helps reducing frizziness as well. I can’t say I have too many split ends as I just cut my hear about six weeks ago, but nonetheless, I like to use it on my hair ends, just so they will be nourished and conditioned.
Argan Oil also contains antioxidants to repair the hair and scalp on a cellular level and reduce dandruff. If you have a thick hair you can definitely try and massage the product into your hair, much closer to your scalp, as I’m sure it won’t get greasy within a day just like very light, thin hair would.
Source: Chic Profile blog